Ensuring the safety of children is everyone's business
"SOS-Children's Villages Armenia" charity foundation strongly condemns any form of violence against children and youth and any violation of children's rights. We are committed to protecting the safety of children and young people using the organization's services, preventing child abuse, and responding to any child safety concerns (current or past).
The Foundation carries out its activities in accordance with the UN “Convention on the Rights of the Child”, the UN Guidelines for Alternative Care of Children, as well as the policy adopted by the Government of the Republic of Armenia in the field of child protection.
SOS Children's Villages ensures that:
- Employees, cooperating parties, as well as program activities do not abuse or harm children and young people; appropriate procedures are also in place and all child safety concerns are effectively dealt with or referred to appropriate structures.
- All employees, cooperating parties, volunteers and partners, as well as all children and young people are familiar with the Child and Youth Safety Protection Policy, as well as the Child and Youth Safety Protection Regulations and are obliged to report any child safety protection incidents using the Foundation's services to the competent authorities. They can also report this to staff or child safety protection teams at the foundation's National Office and all branches.
The concern can be reported via following channels:
- Face-to-face (to National or Local CS team member, or any coworker)
- Via 24-hour hotline at 044504495
- Via CS boxes located in each project
- Via email at child.safeguarding@sos-kd.am
- Via online reporting form placed below