Every Child Deserves Love and Warmth
Children and families who struggle with difficulties are often invisible to society. With regular monthly donations, children can grow up with dignity. Your support puts smiles on their faces and restores faith in a better tomorrow.
Hold Hands of One Family, One Child
Get involved and give a voice to one family, one child today! Become a donor and support children every month as they grow up.
Our Goal: Reaching Every Family in Need
Our goal is to reach every family that needs help. To achieve this goal, we need you! With your donation, children, youth, and families involved in all our programs get the opportunity to be surrounded by those they love, feeling togetherness and belonging.
Every month they know that we are there for them
No Child Should Be Alone
We all need someone by our side, and children need it the most. Your regular monthly donation will be a strong support for all of them, as well as our work. Donate and help us reach even more children and ensure that no one who needs help is alone.
"SOS Children's Villages Armenia" is now helping HUNDREDS of children but still there are THOUSANDS of children that need help.
Choose another type of subscription also that gives children in need the opportunity to be happy, educated and grow up with their parents.